Frequently Asked Questions
I don't have a PayPal account, can I use my debit or credit card instead?
I'm confused which bookkeeping template to buy. Can you suggest a specific product?
I would like to purchase a 4-Hour Consulting Package but I don't have the time for a long appointment. Is there any other way to do it?
Absolutely! You have the option to pay with your debit or credit card.
Step 1: Using Windows Desktop (Chrome browser), this is what your cart is going to look like, click "check out"

Step 2: Fill out the form, please remember to use an email address that you have access to (digital files and company communication will be sent on the same email), click "Continue to shipping method"

Step 4: Enter your payment information and click "Complete order"

Step 5: Once your payment is process, a Thank You page will load. Please note the link to access your digital goods (also sent to your email)

Of course! We're here to help you.
Please give us a call at 206-361-3950 or ring our toll-free number at 1-800-361-1770. Sharie will be able to assist you with the right bookkeeping template, chart of accounts, or cost codes that is best suited for your construction business. You can also email
I would like to purchase a 4-Hour Consulting Package but I don't have the time for a long appointment. Is there any other way to do it?
We understand that we all have important tasks to deal with during the day. You are welcome to schedule consultation with Randal into separate 1, 2, or 3 hour blocks spread out on different days.